
Stay informed with the Articles section, bringing you news related to industry matters, in-depth interviews, and thought-provoking analyses. It's your go-to source for staying current on the latest developments in the textile and knitwear world.

Changing Gears: Merino Wool for Cyclists


Crafted Remotely: Comfort, Beauty and Tactility

Eva De Laat, Ecem Gur TallView

An Inside Look at CFS, the First Ever Virtual Reality Fashion Summit

Eva De LaatView

Balance: Finding the Sweet Spot Between Nature and Man-made


Bend, Flex and Stretch: Wool Performance Wear for Yogis


Collaborating with Nature - OTW™ Suedwolle


Energy Harvesting Textile-Made Backpack


Exploring Boundless Innovations in Knit Design: An Interview with Goran Sidjimovski

Estrella MartinezView

From Field to City: Materialliance by Santoni for Juventus Academy Shanghai

Eva De LaatView

Make Your Mark with MyKnit MEC by Santoni Personalization

Livio Rodari, William TongView

Materialliance: Your Partner in Inspiring Creativity and Design

MEC by Santoni Shanghai View

Rest & Recharge: Lenzing’s Seamless Self-Care Collection


Santoni Pioneer Program: How Circular Knitting Takes You One Step Ahead


Soft Monitoring: A Gentle, Non-intrusive Solution to Caring for an Aging Population


Stylish, Functional, and…Digital? Introducing the Innovative MEC Tights


Tencel Fibers for the Every Day Wonder Woman


Versatile Textiles for Our New Normal

  • 1 - 17 of 17 Articles

Discover the vast world of yarns and their types, with our articles exploring how yarns are made and the differences between them. Dive into sustainability with eco-friendly textiles and sustainable fabric materials, paving the way for a greener fashion industry. Unleash your creativity with our vast amount of articles on textile design ideas and stay ahead of the curve with seamless fabric and knitting technology, revolutionizing the way we craft clothing. Explore circular knitting techniques and innovative materials, shaping the future of fashion and textile engineering.